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Home > Points & Standings > 2025 National Little Britches Finals Rodeo

2025 National Little Britches Finals Rodeo

June 29th -July 5th, 2025

9600 Lazy E Dr.
Guthrie, OK 73044


The qualifications for the 2025 Finals will be six placings in the Top 6 per event.

**National Points can be contested until 12:00 noon MST on Friday June 6, 2025.


*Check in is on Saturday June 28th until 3pm. No late arrivals, you will be drawn out as a No Show. In order to expedite the check-in process, please have all of the required documents completed and bring them into the office when you pickup your packets.

JR HIGH FINALS CONTESTANTS: You will need to email the NLBRA secretary before the NFLBR entries close to let her know of the possible conflict.

GOLF CARTS: Golf Cart rentals will open March 3, 2025. Cost will be: 2 passenger $650, 4 passenger, utility $730, 6 passenger $865. $50 promo fee for reservations during the first 30 days. You may bring your own cart and will be required to pay a $75 fee.https://fore-wheeler-golf-cars.pointofrentalcloud....
$50 Coupon Code: NLBRA

Early Arrival is available in all areas. Thursday June 26th & Friday June 27th will be early check in days and the fees are $25/camp per night & $25/stall per night. To save time at check in you can call the office to prepay after the Stall release.

The 2025 Finals entries will open up May 8th, the last day to enter is on June 6th .


ALL ENTRIES WILL BE DONE ONLINE. It will be listed under the Rodeo Registration and Sign Up. Make sure you have your login ready. There will not be a paper form available on our website.

Format: Format C, with $4500 per event added monies
Entry Fees:
$100 per event ($60 of this goes into the jackpot)
Stock Charge: Goats $5, Cattle $15, Jr Roughstock Steers $25, Jr Bulls $40, Sr Roughstock $40
Other contestant fees: Security, Activity and NLBRA Fee is $50 per contestant

TEAM EVENTS: If you are entering in a Team Event don’t forget only one person from the team enters and pays for both contestants. If your partner enters you and that is the only event you are in you will still have to call the Nat’l Office at 719-389-0333 to pay your contestant fees of $50 to be eligible for Finals.

If you need a partner and would like the secretary to put you in her draw, you will need to fill out the paper entry form for that event to enter. Just put need a partner where it requests their name. You can send it with a check or email it back and call with a credit card to pay. Keep in mind it all entries must be received and paid by 4pm on June 6th. You will need to email points@nlbra.com to get an Entry Form emailed to you.

**If you have multiple contestants that are sharing a horse you can send a quick email to the Finals Secretary faye@nlbra.com.She will do the best she can to avoid any conflicts but it is not a guarantee.

PAYOUT MONIES: We will strive to have all winnings earned at the NLBRA finals available for pickup after each round. Please ensure you complete a W9 to receive these monies.

FINALS VOLUNTEERS: If you are interested in volunteering at our 2025 finals, please email swilliams@nlbra.com.

The Extra Items link will be available here on our website for the duration of the Finals entries being open. It will include admission passes- $30 for the week ($40 at the door), helpers passes- $75 each, limit 2 per family. You must be in full western attire when on the arena floor with your helper pass, but you can use it for general admission dressed casually. Programs/daysheets $10, and Royalty luncheon tickets $TBD

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