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Skip Navigation LinksEvents > Sanctioned NLBRA Rodeos > Rocky Mountain LBR > CANCELED ROCKY MTN LBR - BLACK FOREST, CO


Date: Jan 18 - Jan 19, 2025
Latigo Trails - 719-495-0176
LeeAnn Fox- (303)818-4032 rockymtnlbr@gmail.com
Saddle Series - must attend 7 of 9 rodeos to qualify ( Rodeos 4-6 of series)
Format C
Entries Close 1/12/25
Entry Fee $20 an event
Stock - Goats $10, Cattle $30 (Teams split $15) Breakaway $25, Roughstock $50, Saddle/Bareback steers $35
Office Fee per rodeo $8
NLBRA fee per rodeo $10
Non-member fee of $25 per rodeo or $80 yearly membership
AA payout
Sat 1/18 - Rodeo 1 starts at 9:30am, Rodeo 2 starts 1hr after rodeo 1, Sun 1/19 - Rodeo 3 9:30am
To reserve Stall or Hookups please text 303-818-4032 Stalls $30/night, Stalls will be locked and must be reserved prior to unlocking. Names will be on stalls by 5pm Friday evening.. Electric only hookups $35/night, Dry Camping $15/night. There are limited hookups. (10- 30 amp, and 10- 50 amp)20 hookups total.
Draw out policy Thursday 1/16/25 by 5pm. Dr/Vet release needed by Monday 1/20/25 to not pay fees.
If you need a partner please text and it will be post on FB page Tack and clothing swap, bring items labeled with name and price. We will run swap between rodeo 1 and 2. If you want to purchase something I can collect money and labels as to to who to give it to.
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